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Relationships & Recognition
We appreciate the relationships we’ve had the opportunity to develop through our work, with both clients and affected stakeholders, and believe that it’s this kind of “relationship building” that sets MakPro apart when it comes to public outreach and communications. Almost all of MakPro’s projects are for repeat clients, so relationships are not only important – they are everything!
We've received recognition for many, if not all, of our projects from project team members and affected stakeholders, and many of our projects result in award-winning recognition from our colleagues.
“As long as they [MakPro] are involved with notifying the public, we are in good hands." City of Litchfield Park staff, 2022
“Thanks for being our unofficial CIP team member and always assisting to help us deliver the BEST projects. You and your team are GREAT folks and I enjoy working with each of you.” Town of Queen Creek project manager, 2021
“Thank you for always being so diligent with your communication. We appreciate it." Peoria School Principal, 2021
“Thanks for preparing and executing the excellent partnering meeting. We couldn’t have done it without you.” City of Chandler project manager, 2014
Award-Winning Projects
Glendale Avenue Reconstruction, 99th Ave to El Mirage - Glendale
Queen Creek Road, McQueen to Gilbert, Improvements - Chandler
Gilbert Road & Alma School Road Improvements - Chandler
Better Roads Ahead Communications - Queen Creek
Northsight Boulevard Extension & Roundabout - Scottsdale
Indian School Road Improvements - Scottsdale
Pima Road, Thompson Peak to Pinnacle Peak, Improvements - Scottsdale
Centennial Way - Phoenix/ADOT
Chandler City Hall & Downtown Chandler Improvements - Chandler
Award for Communications During Construction from DCCP for Arizona Ave Improvements
Glendale Onboard Infrastructure Improvements - Glendale

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